To the camera haters....


Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Hey all,

I've had my Bionic since day 1. Seems like every time I log onto this site someone is complaining about the camera. I'm convinced they either expect way too much or they don't know how to use it. I will admit that the very first pic you take after opening the app takes an extra second to work. But if you keep taking pics it's as fast as I would expect it to be. I always wait until the square turns green so I'm focused on the subject.

To prove my point, I'm attaching a couple pics I took in Europe while on vacation last week. I took probably 500 pics, sure not every one of them is perfect but the vast majority are certainly acceptable. Here are some samples including various colors and indoor/outdoor. Someone please tell me they suck.
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Nice shots! I've been very happy with my photos as well. (BTW, I've driven an F430 and wow, amazing car!)
Very nice! I dont get all the complaints about the cam either, I think its fine as is, although low light pics could be better. I've heard Camera Zoom FX is a lovely replacement cam app.

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Camera just gets faster with the updates :p

[EDIT] I have noticed in low light my phone takes horrid pictures, worse then my OG. But in good light it takes great pictures. I use it at work a lot and it is nice to be able to zoom in and still have a clear picture.
Definitely takes great pictures in good light, especially good natural light. 82 are you still totally stock or running one of the leaked updates?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I'm totally stock except for rooted so I can get the wifi tether going. All the settings for the camera are on Auto except I have steady-shot on. As long as you hold the camera steady and wait for the square to go green before you hit the shutter, it turns out pretty good. After the first pic or two it gets pretty fast and works great. I also had a 8 MP sony cybershot with me which had about the same results, but is obviously better at zoom since it has optical zoom and a much bigger lens.

For a phone... the camera is pretty damn good.

Definitely takes great pictures in good light, especially good natural light. 82 are you still totally stock or running one of the leaked updates?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Hey all,

I've had my Bionic since day 1. Seems like every time I log onto this site someone is complaining about the camera. I'm convinced they either expect way too much or they don't know how to use it. I will admit that the very first pic you take after opening the app takes an extra second to work. But if you keep taking pics it's as fast as I would expect it to be. I always wait until the square turns green so I'm focused on the subject.

To prove my point, I'm attaching a couple pics I took in Europe while on vacation last week. I took probably 500 pics, sure not every one of them is perfect but the vast majority are certainly acceptable. Here are some samples including various colors and indoor/outdoor. Someone please tell me they suck.
View attachment 42319View attachment 42320View attachment 42321View attachment 42322View attachment 42323

Eh.....give the camera haters some benefit of the doubt, using the camera and being sure you wait for the green and holding it still really isn't rocket science, ...You've taken some great pics but there's a common theme there- which is tons of light...try sitting in your living room around 7pm taking pics of nick-nacks you want to sell on ebay and you will bask in the grainyness that folks are complaining about, people are just looking for a work around via an app to replace stock, but it seems there is a wide diversity of what an acceptable camera is so the jury is still out- but one thing that's FOR SURE & not really debatable is the camera on the bionic is not as good as some devices that came before it's time & that's not a good thing...
If those pictures had been taken with an iPhone 4s instead of Droid Bionic, the colors wouldn't be so washed out, and you would have been able to capture the entire car.

Walk into any Apple store and compare shots, and you'll be quite a bit jealous of the iPhone.
If those pictures had been taken with an iPhone 4s instead of Droid Bionic, the colors wouldn't be so washed out, and you would have been able to capture the entire car.

Walk into any Apple store and compare shots, and you'll be quite a bit jealous of the iPhone.

I suppose I just have crappy eyes since those photos look as good as any point-and-shoot camera I've ever played with. If you really want to start talking about great pictures (that are not washed out via Moto or overly warm via 4s), phone cameras should not even enter into the equation. Oh, and I could "capture the entire car" with the Bionic's called taking a couple of steps back. Doesn't require a different cellphone camera for that, just a simple concept that even my "tech dumb" sibling understands.

With that rant done, Apple does well with cameras. It's one of their better selling points, and one of the few leg ups it still has on Android when people compare the two. But I couldn't lock myself into iOS for the sake of a better camera on my phone. Others can. Granted, Apple probably wouldn't have that leg up if Google monitored the hardware used in devices running Android, but that would defeat the concept behind their OS.
So washed out eh??...lmao... the same discussion with HD video, many like the added cartoon effect which happens if colors are manipulated....your eyes don't see that cartoon coloring in real life so why do the pics have to be like that??
Those are nice pics, but my issue comes from trying to take a quick picture of the little ones to capture the moment. When the camera doesn't behave and that moment is missed due to hardware/software issues then that's a fair frustration that I can sympathize with some users.

If I can only get my kids to stay still then I would Probably appreciate the camera more.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Not exactly accurate. -At least in our case.
Imagine if you will, a child that is 18 months old. Now imagine attempting to get the green box while that child is doing something cute...Ooops! missed the picture. Inside or outside, it is very difficult to capture those "special" moments that happen quickly. EVEN IF you have the phone on, camera app up and running, the shutter lag almost guarantees that what you see is NOT what you will get.
Just my $0.02 worth.
BTW- those are great images.
Eh.....give the camera haters some benefit of the doubt, using the camera and being sure you wait for the green and holding it still really isn't rocket science, ...You've taken some great pics but there's a common theme there- which is tons of light...try sitting in your living room around 7pm taking pics of nick-nacks you want to sell on ebay and you will bask in the grainyness that folks are complaining about, people are just looking for a work around via an app to replace stock, but it seems there is a wide diversity of what an acceptable camera is so the jury is still out- but one thing that's FOR SURE & not really debatable is the camera on the bionic is not as good as some devices that came before it's time & that's not a good thing...
You wonder why people complain about the camera? Because IT SUCKS. Plain and simple. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out, just like you don't need to be one to use the camera. When the Bionic takes a picture in perfect conditions with bright light where your subject is not moving and you have the ability to stand frozen like a god damn scarecrow for several seconds, then image quality is great.

Image quality in a perfect situation is NOT the problem however. The problem is the how slow the shutter speed is. How slow it is to save the picture. How slow it is to go back to the camera after saving a picture. How long it takes to focus and capture the next shot. THAT is the problem. And that is what makes the Bionic's camera (or most other Motorola cameras) painful to use and useless in real world scenarios. And from reading reviews, it seems like the Razr is no different.

I've pretty much given up on using the camera on my D1. I act is if the phone doesn't have a camera. It literally takes 1-3 minutes to snap a picture, because it's so slow, freezes after taking the picture, and won't return back to take another picture. Can't wait to get my Nexus.
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HDR is great to have. And iPhones can be jailbroken, just like Androids can be rooted. For me, the Bionic's weaker points would be its camera. The iPhone, aesthetically speaking, is a better choice. Especially so when you try to take a picture of something moving.

Don't be me wrong, I still wouldn't go over to the iPhone, but that doesn't mean I can't objectively compare the flaws of the Bionic vs. other phones in its class.