Touchdown - How to return to touchdown homscreen from email


New Member
Sep 11, 2010
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So this is hard to explain, but I have a trouble getting back to Touchdowns's home screen after looking at an email.

Here are two instances when I have this problem. The first is when I get an email notification in the notification bar. When I click on this new email in the notification bar, I am brought directly to the email. Now I may want to go the calendar or tasks, but there is no option to do so. All that I can do is go back to the droid home screen and then select the Touchdown icon. However, this sometimes leads to the second problem.

Sometimes, when I click on the Touchdown icon, it just brings me right back to the email I was just reading before I closed it. If I click the back button, it just takes me back to the droid home screen, and if I click the options button there is nothing to back me back to Touchdown's home.

So basically, I may have to exit the app twice before I can get back in at the home screen.

Any thoughts?
Is this for Xoom or an actual phone? On Xoom, you need to click on top right icon and change to classic view. On original droid just hit the return button on bottom left of phone. Not sure if different when selecting from notifications. I turn off notifications b/c i get so many emails and I manually check touch-down email.
This is on the Droid X. Sometimes the back key will take you back to the main touchdown screen and sometimes out of the program all together.

I can't find any pattern.
If you don't get anywhere here then don't forget about the Touchdown Google Group.
I use Touchdown and created a shortcut (long press, tap shortcuts, tap touchdown) on my home screen that takes me to my inbox. There are shortcuts for calendar, contacts, notes, etc. My sense is that you are returning to the main TD screen which have the icons at the bottom. Is that correct?