Traded my GNex for a Razr Maxx


Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Had my GNex over 6 months now and was needing a change, so I traded a guy on Craigslist straight up. I've got to say that both phones are fantastic in their own ways. If anyone is on the fence between these two phones, or even just curious about something, please post your questions here and I will answer them promptly and honestly. If you ask for an opinion, I'll give it. If you ask what phone is better, I can't answer that though, that's entirely up to you. Also' if this thread turns into a pissing contest over which phone is better, I'm just going to request a mod to close it. It's for informational use only so ask away! Peace out :happy:
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Just out of curiousity, did you switch cause you were bored of the Nexus or were you having issues?
Hey Dez. Mostly out of boredom and curiosity about the Razr. Never really had any issues with it except that I never could achieve consistent decent battery life. I was also curious if the Razr's radios would do better around my 3G only area.
How much better is battery life and is the signal better?

Would you recommended the RAZR to someone who likes to ROM?
^^ Haha I actually was having really good life with that 3800mah Hyperion battery and that's kind of what started my curiosity towards the Maxx.
The only way I can describe the Maxx's battery is "amazing". I average over 5 hours of screen on time and I haven't ran it to zero yet. It's really an accomplishment what Moto managed to squeeze into there. The reception is definitely better overall, but it's really only noticable in low signal areas. The Maxx does well there. I think the GNex's 4G performance was better though. If Romming is the most important thing then stick with the Nex. The Maxx has safestrap but it's still no contest to an unlocked bootloader.