transfer of pics/vids to droid


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Johnstown, PA
Please forgive me up front but only having the phone for 4 days now I'm kinda overwhelmed. I'm not tech. savy as you will read.

Old phone (versa) had about 75 vids and about 345 pics on my sd card. When I bought the droid sales rep. said he transfered all vids/pics. When I looked in gallery only a small percentage where there.

Through reading I have added the Astro app. and found all the vids and pics in a DCMI(?) folder. How can I get all the pics and vids to go into gallery so I can just open that???

Also all the vids from my old phone there is no sound, any way to regain that?

Thanks in advance.
In my DCIM file I had a Camera folder. All the photos that I have in that folder are available when I open Gallery. I am rooted so your Gallery may work differently.

Rooted?? What does that mean?

Since you're new, I'll point you here for answers to all the popular questions:

Rooting is basically the Droid equivalent of jailbreaking, simply utilizing a software exploit to enable the phone to do more than the manufacturer and VZW intended.

As far as your pics go, you should be able to mount the SD card when you plug it into the PC, and manipulate the files just like you would on a flash drive. You should be able to easily move pics and videos that way.
i too have wondered how to get the sound from old phone video's to come through.. i haven figured this out yet and ive had my droid since december. anyone know how to do this??
It really just depends on the video/audio format of the old phone. Should be easy enough to convert them using a PC.
So I can't put my old sd card in my droid, save everything to phone and then put new sd card back in and save to card?
So I can't put my old sd card in my droid, save everything to phone and then put new sd card back in and save to card?

No, but you can copy the contents of the old SD card to a PC, then from the PC to your new card....