New Member
yea so i was running my phone and decided to go back to stock considering the new OTA update for gingerbread might come out soon so i downloaded all the necessary files for my droid x(from a pdf file that was a manual) and i think i bricked my droid according to this thread here
i'm not sure what to do because i don't know how to go into recovery because it just goes straight to the bootloader...here is what you guys should know about my phone
my phone was running:
Liberty Rom 1.5 by jrummy and Kejar31
on kernel 340
i used RSD Lite 4.8
with the sbf file VRZ_MB810_2.3.15_1FF_01.sbf
after the flashing process it said that my phone "PASS"
but its stuck on the boot loader menu reading exactly
Service Req'd
Battery OK
OK to Program
Transfer Mode:
i think i used the wrong sbf file since i'm on 340 but please someone help me i'm stupid and didn't think about what i was doing but i really need my phone....i'll be up all night until i can figure out what to do because i'm screwed....thanks
yea so i was running my phone and decided to go back to stock considering the new OTA update for gingerbread might come out soon so i downloaded all the necessary files for my droid x(from a pdf file that was a manual) and i think i bricked my droid according to this thread here
i'm not sure what to do because i don't know how to go into recovery because it just goes straight to the bootloader...here is what you guys should know about my phone
my phone was running:
Liberty Rom 1.5 by jrummy and Kejar31
on kernel 340
i used RSD Lite 4.8
with the sbf file VRZ_MB810_2.3.15_1FF_01.sbf
after the flashing process it said that my phone "PASS"
but its stuck on the boot loader menu reading exactly
Service Req'd
Battery OK
OK to Program
Transfer Mode:
i think i used the wrong sbf file since i'm on 340 but please someone help me i'm stupid and didn't think about what i was doing but i really need my phone....i'll be up all night until i can figure out what to do because i'm screwed....thanks