Trying to use RSD LITE TO VZW_A855_ESD56_QSC6085BP_C_01.3E.01P_SW_UPDATE_03. sbf


Mar 14, 2010
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Ok I've downloaded this all and when I go to RSD LITE the start button is greyed out. It seems like there is something wrong with the wording of the file...
when I try to use the Sprecovery file is says
06:59:21, August 05, 2010
Line: 865
ERROR: \\?\c:\users\david\desktop\droid\sprecovery_ese81.sbf  contains an invalid path.
File: X:\test_dev_usb\flash\code\flashdll\PST_FP_FlashFileIO.cpp
06:59:21, August 05, 2010
Line: 542
ERROR: The superfile specified does not exist
File: X:\test_dev_usb\flash\code\flashdll\FlashHdlr.cpp
Device ID: 0
heres my story I installed sprecovery a few weeks ago. I thought I need to manually remove it somehow so I went back to 2.01. Mistakenly I restored a old nandroid backup which gave me root access(dmupdater) with ninja. Updated to 2.1 then 2.2. Problem is I still have the ninja in the app drawer with 2.2...I just want to get rid of him. I though that by using the 2.01 sbf file I would go back to stock droid.
heres my story I installed sprecovery a few weeks ago. I thought I need to manually remove it somehow so I went back to 2.01. Mistakenly I restored a old nandroid backup which gave me root access(dmupdater) with ninja. Updated to 2.1 then 2.2. Problem is I still have the ninja in the app drawer with 2.2...I just want to get rid of him. I though that by using the 2.01 sbf file I would go back to stock droid.

So you've updated to 2.2 but you're still rooted? OK, let's get you over to the Rescue Squad and see what we can do over there.
No root. Can't use drocap2 or anything just the ninja..
No root. Can't use drocap2 or anything just the ninja..

That's ok. Let's work with it over here. Let me see if I can find Pilot Charles or someone else.

We're on day schedule now so it may be a little bit but someone will help.
I've downloaded the VZW_A855_ESD56_QSC6085BP_C_01.3E.01P_SW_UPDATE_03. sbf file but when I select it in RSD LITE it stays greyed out. I renamed it to 1.sbf and it shows up but says the file contains and invalid path
Ok RSD can be real picky

1: what ver. of windows are you running?
2: did you install the correct drivers?
3: leave the 2.0.1 filename alone try putting it either on desktop or on root of c:\ (sometimes it matters where on your hdd the .sbf is stored)
4: make sure you are running rsd as administrator (shift+rightclick)
5: try conecting phone in bootloader mode, run RSD as admin, load .sbf into rsd, put a space at the end of the file name in the box in rsd, then delete the space, does the start button come up?
1. Vista 32 bit
2. Correct drivers installed.
3. I have the file in a folder on my desktop
4. Running RSD as Admin
5. Will try this step after work tonight.

This is so frustrating I have been messing with this for hours...
1. Vista 32 bit
2. Correct drivers installed.
3. I have the file in a folder on my desktop
4. Running RSD as Admin
5. Will try this step after work tonight.

This is so frustrating I have been messing with this for hours...

Try step 5. and also try putting file on desktop (not in a folder) or on the root of your c: drive

Good luck
Well I think i finally got it figured out...
I used this
Ok, I can't get RSD Lite to work. Maybe I have a mac, maybe I only run Linux, maybe it just won't run. I need to get to stock 2.01 though. What can I do? (box option 06)

Alternative back to stock ( method):

  1. Download2.01 stock
  2. rename the downloaded file to (if you don't see the .zip in the downloaded filename don't add it because the file extensions are hidden from you.)
  3. mount Droid to computer
  4. copy file from computer to root of sdcard
  5. unmount card from computer
  6. hold X while rebooting until SPRecovery screen comes up
  7. install
  8. allow
  9. install /sdcard/ (depreciated)
credit to for the file

You now are on stock 2.01. None of your data or market apps from your previous installation have been removed. (setcpu, root manager, etc will still exist)

Pushing manual update to 2.1 now!!
I must say that when I used this process i had a ton of force closes. I think its because this way doesn't change any apps or settings. They were all set to run on 2.2. Once I pushed the 2.2 update no problems with any force closes...
I love this phone!!! Even a newb like me can figure it out!!! Thanks to everyone who had a idea!!!
Possible solution

RDS Lite errors in log file:
... contains an invalid path.
The superfile specified does not exist ...

Solution (Worked for me in Vista):
Copy the file into the SAME directory as the RSD Lite program.
Usually: C:\Program Files\Motorola\RSD Lite

Open your File Explorer to the RSD Lite directory, and run SDL.exe as Administrator.

If you have problems running as Administrator, try this alternate solution:
Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Turn user acount control on/off
UNCHECK - Use User Account Control (UAC)
Select OK

(Don't forget to set UAC again once you're finished!)