Turn off car mode??


Jan 10, 2012
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So my wife has the car dock and we both have bionics. Any time we hop in the car all I need to do is press play on the Google music widget, but it always throws me into car mode, where I have to scroll over, click on Music, click the now playing thing, and finally hit play.

Is there any way to disable car mode?
Maybe temporarily? I use it for long trips, but just driving around town it's useless!

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I think Tasker can be made to disable car dock mode.

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If you are rooted, you can download Titanium Backup Pro and freeze the Car Home app.
Unplug it from the cigarette lighter. Mine doesn't go into car dock mode unless it's plugged in.

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There's an app on the market called Disabler car home. Worked great for me.
I use tasker also. You can have it take control when docked, instead of that ugly car doc.
So I ended up just using TiBu, I didn't even think of that. I had also sideloaded Google's Car Home, so I just backed up both apps and then uninstalled them - no more car mode!
I didn't want to unplug the cigar lighter cause then it wouldn't charge my phone... what's the point of the car dock then?
Thanks for all the replies, everyone.
For those who aren't rooted, or don't want to freeze any apps: I use Dock No Op... works amazingly
There is an app that I used when I had the moto car dock called "do nothing app". Worked great when I had it set to start whenever I dock the phone.