Turn off notification ringtone.

Easy...settings>sounds>notification ringtone

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I don't think you can. I dont see a none option in the path we already know about.
Though I would like to as well..I use Light flow for my notifications and so often get double notifications. This is what I've done: Set SD card notifacion to off under sound settings. That gets rid of 1 unnecessary notification anyway. Then for general notifications, I set it for something barely noticeable, like 'facebook pop'. Otherwise, I suppose we could create an empty or silent mp3 and set it?

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I use system sounds by Dylan g from the market... you can turn notification tone to 0

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Thanks for the quick respons, But I all I can do there (settings>sounds>notification ringtone)
is change tones, I can not shut them OFF. I get so many Emails, that it is driving me nuts!!!
Thank you very much! that works bt turning down the volume on Notifications.
Just to clarify, the silent option is missing! on the OTA GB, which is why I suggested creating a silent tone...

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On the OTA update can you use the volume keys to turn down the notification volume while your on the tone list?
But then I won't hear the notifications from LightFlow(different tones for different events)! Right now I'm getting double notifications because of 'missing' silent option for stock notifications D2 GB OTA.

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Notifications are notifications. If I turn volume down to eliminate stock notifications, I will have no volume for the lightflow notifications. !!Thats why I have double notifications. Still think the best fix is to create a blank mp3. But open to other suggestions. It's just that the 'obvious' fixes create other unwanted side effects.

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I just looked all over the place in Astro file manager and couldn't find the silent tone I have. I was going to send it if. I could find it.

Maybe use the voice recorder on the phone and record a silent recoding and transfer that into a ringtone folder and use that? If your phone doesn't have a voice recorder you could download one in the market?

Sent from my Liberated D2
notification sounds on messages

the settings-notifications-ringtone does not give an option of no sound, what do I do now?