Turning Off


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
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My Mom and I each just got a Droid X. Mine is working wonderfully, however, we took the battery out of my Mom's to take the memory card out and now hers will randomly shut off and not turn back on at all, won't charge or anything unless you take the battery out and put it back in. It's happened twice now since last night... any suggestions?
My Mom and I each just got a Droid X. Mine is working wonderfully, however, we took the battery out of my Mom's to take the memory card out and now hers will randomly shut off and not turn back on at all, won't charge or anything unless you take the battery out and put it back in. It's happened twice now since last night... any suggestions?

Who did you buy it from a legit place. Sounds like it is defective. I would suggest trying to exchange it. If you can't exhange it, I would try a factory reset (its in the settings) and also hooking it up to your computer and formatting the sdcard (its just like formatting an usb drive - right click in windows). Sometimes a corrupt file somewhere on the system or the sdcard can cause this

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Sounds like a corrupt system, tho it could b electical, I doubt it. Reset phone, and erase sd card. Otherwise take it back b4 the 30day warranty is up. Ask for a no hassle exchange of a "new dx". Goodluck

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