Two Questions About Oreo


Active Member
Jan 19, 2017
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We’ve noticed several differences with Oreo on our Galaxy S7 that we like. However, there are two that are causing problems.

1. How can we prevent unnecessary apps from running in the background, and 2. how can we quickly and safely manage cache storage? We have a good sized number of apps, and going through each separately takes a lot of time.

Thanks in advance!

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With the unnecessary apps, you can always get a task killer but that's not recommended. Android will kill off background apps as resources are needed elsewhere. If you do a search on here you'll find articles on task killers, the pros and cons of using them.

As far as the cache goes Oreo is supposed to set cache limits for each app and manage those limits by cleaning the cache when needed. Everything is being done automatically by the OS now. I hope this helps.
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1. it is tough to stop a lot of apps from running in the background. a lot of times when you stop them, they will restart within minutes
2. nothing to really worry about but if you have a performance manager in your phones settings, you can delete some. The performance manager will also stop apps from running in the background too.
2. nothing to really worry about but if you have a performance manager in your phones settings, you can delete some. The performance manager will also stop apps from running in the background too.

I forgot about Sammy's built in task killer. Probably because I don't use them and don't like them. But that's me.
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For the past few days, although the phone is 100% charged when we go to bed, the phone dies--0%--before 10 AM.

It used to last more than 12 hours!

What changed with Oreo that drains the battery? We have turned off background data on everything we could.

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ran across the following, it mentioned doing a battery recalibration. maybe give it a try
  1. Drain the battery completely. This means using your device until it powers down by its own and the battery level reads 0%.
  2. Charge the phone until it reaches 100%. Be sure to use original charging equipment for your device and let it charge up completely. Do not unplug your device for at least two more hours and also don’t use it while charging.
  3. After the elapsed time, unplug your device.
  4. Restart your S7.
  5. Use your phone until it completely runs out of power again.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5.
How to fix Galaxy S7 that loses battery faster after installing an update, won't charge to 100%
We'll try it.

Yes, it's unplugged overnight.

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Turns out Oreo wasn’t installed correctly. We had to factory reset the phone. Wondering how that’s possible...!!!

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sometimes it just happens. no real reason that can be pinpointed. could be corruption or app compatibility issue. see it all the time.
When are we getting Oreo in note 5? are we getting it or will we stay unprivileged lol