1. did a FDR and now can't recall how I removed the google search bar from home screen
2. I live in a fringe area for 4gLTE so I keep HD calling turned off. Had networks set to LTE/CDMA got message " no 4GLTE available do you want global?" so I switched to Global. Q= which network should I be on of the three choices? Global LTE/CDMA LTE/GSM/UMTS. verizon turbo.
2. I live in a fringe area for 4gLTE so I keep HD calling turned off. Had networks set to LTE/CDMA got message " no 4GLTE available do you want global?" so I switched to Global. Q= which network should I be on of the three choices? Global LTE/CDMA LTE/GSM/UMTS. verizon turbo.