Ubuntu/Linux on dX?


Dec 9, 2010
Reaction score
East of Eden
This is above my android paygrade but are there any tutorials on installing Linux on the dX? I was looking into it on my D1 but then decided the screen was too small for it to ever be effective.

The search function doesn't seem to be working for me today.
This is above my android paygrade but are there any tutorials on installing Linux on the dX? I was looking into it on my D1 but then decided the screen was too small for it to ever be effective.

The search function doesn't seem to be working for me today.
i believe this would require a custom kernal which is not possible at this time on the x ,,,,,i am pretty sure this is the reason it wont run or has not been ported to the x,,,trust me im a linux ubuntu fan and if it was out i would have it:icon_ banana:
Question, if I were to install Unbutu on my desktop comp, will it reformat my hard drive completely or do I have to create a partition and transfer the stuff I don't want lost?

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Question, if I were to install Unbutu on my desktop comp, will it reformat my hard drive completely or do I have to create a partition and transfer the stuff I don't want lost?

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

Do you want to dual boot? What OS are you currently using?
Currently using windows vista, its a comp I built a couple years ago. After falling in love with Android I think I'm ready to ditch the corporate OS slavery. Just don't wanna lose a few things on my drive, was hoping to not have to dual boot but I guess some programs only run on windows? I dunno, kinda new to open source PC.

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You should set up a virtual machine like VMware or virtual box to try ubuntu or debian out before you commit.
You should set up a virtual machine like VMware or virtual box to try ubuntu or debian out before you commit.
+1 or just download ubuntu (free) to a flash drive or cd and boot up from there ,,,,either way you wont be commited,,,and you should use the microsoft partitioning tool (just google search it) to create a partition then use that partition obviously for ubuntu ,,,,or you can boot up into ubuntu through your flash drive and go into g parted(a partition tool pre installed )and partition your hard drive then fully add ubuntu,,,,(note;using g parted to pre partition only works for vista,all other window os you must use microsoft partition tool)
with that being said you could always just not pre partition and just let ubuntu create its own partition upon install ,,,just be known it doesnt always go according to plan and some people have had their whole windows partition wiped out that way or lost data so make a backup or make sure to have a recovery disk handy if you use that method
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