Unable to buy Trip Journal by IQapps


New Member
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Would love to buy it, review it, but the "Buy now <euro> 2.99" link on my Moto Droid is dimmed. Should equate to roughly USD $4.00.

I was steered to this app by PCWorld's article - 11 Android Travel Apps - from May 2010.

11 Essential Android Travel Apps - PCWorld

No mods yet to the Droid, only downloaded apps and a ton of contacts I've added. Searched the forums didn't find specific help.

This is the first app I've tried to d/l where I've had a problem, but then I've only had the Droid a week as of today. Also, the first non-free app, FWIW.

As we're traveling out of state for a few days, thought it would be a good time to stretch the legs on the Droid as well...

Mods, if I'm in the wrong forum, I'm open to enlightenment regarding proper thread placement. Thanks!
That would be your bank card.

My bank puts those transactions through. I have bought a few apps that originated in the UK, I believe one was .5 a euro the other was 4 euros - both charges went though.

Add another card to your Google account?
Quite right, 'hatter.
Pretty straightforward. With apologies to Staples, "That was easy!"
I had never specified a card on Google checkout, having always used PayPal. Haven't 'loaded PayPal on the Droid yet, but that wasn't an option on Trip Journal, in any case.
Thanks greatly for that fast response!

(Note to self: how about we exercise some modicum of restraint, and not subject the debit card to "death by a thousand cuts.")