Unable to obtain IP address from Netgear router


New Member
Dec 25, 2010
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Hello, I'm trying to get my Droid 2 to connect to my home network (using a Netgear router) however, whenever I try to connect it will get stuck at "Obtaining IP address", and then it fails.

A few things to note:
I'm using 128 bit WEP authentication. I'm positive my password is correct. However, I also tried it with the security disabled. Even as an open connection, it CANNOT obtain an IP.

No Mac filtering.

I CAN connect to other networks (neighbors w/o passwords)

The router's signal is on an unused channel (11), I checked for conflicting signals.

I connect to this router regularly on my laptop/desktop.

There are very few other devices using the connection (in other words there are available IP addresses)

I've rebooted the router and Droid quite a few times.

Might there be something I'm doing wrong? Thanks for the help!
I had to set my phone "Static" at my house for decent IP locking. Seems my wife's Itouch competes for the same IP address. I even tried reserving the Dynamic in the scope but it was still flaky. Damn Apples!
My Droid is brand new, so I don't have any APs on it yet.

How to I set it to a Static IP address? I don't see any options for that under my WiFi connections.
I had the same problem until I changed my encryption to WPA instead of WEP. No problems now.

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I've read somewhere about 128 bit WEP problems with the Droid. Try WPA or temporarily turning off security to see if you can connect at all. Then Google your problem because I think I read about this on another forum.
Thanks for all the replies guy! But as I said in my original post, even with the security disabled, I can't get it to connect (hangs at 'obtaining IP').

Any other suggestions?
Just got it working, I'll post it here in case it helps someone else.

First, I updated to the latest version of the router's firmware.

Secondly, I removed the reserved IP addresses on the network.

(addresses ended in .2 and .3)

Thanks for the help guys!