Unable to Upload !


New Member
Jan 3, 2012
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Wyoming, Pa.
"Unable to Upload,There is not enough free online storage space"
I've received this message on my Rezound the last couple mornings when I awoke.
Anyone know exactly what this means ?
I stopped at a Verizon store and the person I spoke to didn't know what it is.
It's more than likely Verizon Backup Assist. It turns itself on/back on even after you turn it off. It's annoying.
Are you using Vcast Media Manager? If you don't set it to not sync your photos, music and such it does so by default

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I suppose rooting is the only way to remove vcast media manager?

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2
I suppose rooting is the only way to remove vcast media manager?

Since I didn't see any other follow up to this, and since these daily messages get on my nerves, I'm going to ask explicitly: (1) Is the formal name of the media manager com.htc.vmm? (2) Is there any reason I cannot disable this with the adb pm command a la Dr Scott's CleanTool de-bloating script? (3) Will it stay turned off if I do that?

many thanks,
One temporary fix (until you can remove the bloat) is to go into your VZ account on your computer and uncheck the services. Pretty sure I had to do that to stop the same thing from happening. VZ backup services are junk.
One temporary fix (until you can remove the bloat) is to go into your VZ account on your computer and uncheck the services.

Yes, I tried that, but none of the services are enabled on my account already!

stuff like this is what motivated me to root. froze all that bloat crap and much happier.
I never logged into the backup or media manager accounts and I get no messages. Can you log out from the accounts screen? That should stop it from doing anything. Also, try going into Applications, Manage Applications, All and clear the data for Backup Assistant and Verizon Media Manager. Maybe that will stop them!
Thanks to those who offered up suggestions for stopping these messages. I guess I wasn't terribly clear on things. I actually have already rooted this phone, so I am able to disable the process.

What I was asking originally was whether or not the process I suspected, com.htc.vmm, was the culprit, and whether or not there were any known issues I'd run into should I disable it.

No one commented directly on either of those questions, and those darn messages were bugging me, so I went ahead and disabled it using adb and the shell command pm. The messages are no longer coming, and so far there've been no problems with having disabled it.

thanks again,