Underclocking and battery life


New Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Has anyone noticed a drastic change in battery life by underclocking the droid x (such as with screen off and low battery)? I've read that the droid x already manages processor speeds natively so underclocking with something like SetCPU won't make a difference. Anyone care to chime in wtih experience?
Has anyone noticed a drastic change in battery life by underclocking the droid x (such as with screen off and low battery)? I've read that the droid x already manages processor speeds natively so underclocking with something like SetCPU won't make a difference. Anyone care to chime in wtih experience?

This is correct with all major Android based phones at present. But to really see a difference, a custom Low Voltage kernel is probably the single largest way to get more battery life.
Has anyone noticed a drastic change in battery life by underclocking the droid x (such as with screen off and low battery)? I've read that the droid x already manages processor speeds natively so underclocking with something like SetCPU won't make a difference. Anyone care to chime in wtih experience?

You can undervolt your phone manually using the tools provided in the droid x overclock thread in this forum. I run stock frequency but undervolt by about half, to max 34vsel. I now see about 1.5-2x more battery life.

Sent from my DROIDX
not to be a whipper snapper, but most of the energy goes to display, so how could undervolting get you 50%+ batterylife? you mean 50%+ standby?
I mean that under normal usage (I also keep the screen at min brightness), I can use the phone for twice as long without charging, i.e. uptime is doubled.

Sent from my DROIDX