Unroot my incredible?


Senior Member
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Of course the OTA is coming out now!

As JK and others may know, I have updated my phone's radio to 2.05, rooted with unrEVOked 3, have Skyraider running, and I updated my kernal to the king #3.

Is there anyway to undo this? I know. It's a big question, probably something that will be flooding the forums now. The leaked 2.2 update and these rooted features are great and i love them, but the occasional lag and slowness is driving me mad, and I'd prefer to just have the official OTA.

It's possible since I didn't S-OFF and I didn't use unrevoked forever, right?

And is there any possible way for me to keep my applications unrooting? It's too bad that titanium is for rooted users only...

Thanks in advance, hoping for help!

And, has anyone noticed any differences between the official update and the leaked ROM we've been able to use for weeks now?
i may have some helpful info for ya ryan i found a nifty video related to the one i posted up above but waiting on some files to download as i type this will update this thread as i progress through the stages
alright so from my hours of work what ive gathered is all your need to do is get your phone to s-off and download and install a stock recovery and your good for the ota
But I don't wish to REMAIN rooted. Rooting has done nothing but slow down my phone
But I don't wish to REMAIN rooted. Rooting has done nothing but slow down my phone

Did you flash anything else besides the root? I noticed ZERO change in performance after rooting. My phone was generally slowing to begin with the more I used it. After a full wipe, it was QUICK.
The OTA is coming out?
and I think the only way to unroot your phone is to downgrade it
But I don't wish to REMAIN rooted. Rooting has done nothing but slow down my phone

Did you flash anything else besides the root? I noticed ZERO change in performance after rooting. My phone was generally slowing to begin with the more I used it. After a full wipe, it was QUICK.

I have skyraider 2.6.2, goodies, flash, king 3 kernal, and the espresso theme for sense.

X2! seriously follow the second video. go to his youtube link, there he has a link to download a folder you need with all the files in it. follow his directions, its SUPER easy, he even provides a TXT file so all you need to do is copy and paste the commands in the DOS prompt, and your done! literally takes 5 minutes. and your back to stock, with the 1.0 radio
Thanks! worked perfectly! now to just wait for the OTA..
i just did the same...how long does it usually take for an update to be pushed to me. tired of 2.1 lol.