unsafe nandroid restore problem


Oct 10, 2011
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I am currently running the .904 leak on my unsafe side. I made a backup of the whole system in safestrap. After I tried freezing a couple apps, the phone would not come back on after I locked the screen. I attempted to do a restore of the unsafe side, and after trying to restore systemorig, it said there was an error restoring systemorig. I had to manually restore system, data and cache from my .904 backup and everything went ok. What would have caused the error in restoring systemorig?
I've never had any luck with safestrap. Try just using bootstrap and see if you like it better...
I might. From what I've been reading though, I'll probably end up sticking with safestrap. I only started having a problem when I switched my base over to. 904.
Yea could have been the problem idk. I just stick with the official ota versions with no problems...knock on wood lol