Update - new 4g card


Mar 24, 2011
Reaction score
I got the update and installed it. Now everything works except for placing and receiving calls. I called verizon and the guy I talked to couldn't figure it out. Then I called my local verizon store and asked them. The guy there said that I need to come in and get a new 4g card. I was at work by that time. So far i've lost the use of my phone for about a day. Has this happened to anyone else? Alot of hassle for an update.
I went to the store to have them fix it and I guess it's not the 4g card. Verizon can't figure it out. Nothing I can do but wait and hopefully the techs get it fixed. Anybody else having this problem???
I am not aware of a 4G card in the Bionic. Are you talking about the sim card?
You might want to try a Factory Recent.