

Dec 22, 2011
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Denver Co
So did the rezound users get you're update?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
Nope..it never happened :( I was really hoping for it because of all the lag fixes. Oh well next month maybe

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
Well seems to be a big April fools joke :/

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I hope they thought it was funny. I sure didn't. I'm going back to best buy today and tell them what I thought of their little joke...they ain't gonna like it.
There's a reason you didn't hear anything that was announced to the public.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Coming from blackberry and using crackberry.com for years I don't caught up on what I read on the web about updates.
Verizon has confirmed that the OTA will not occur this weekend. It did say it was "coming soon"....but we all know what that means. :blink:
OTA's rarely occur on the weekends, not sure why they had a date like that, but hopefully you guys can see it early this week, Thursday at the latest probably.
LOL, I was doing some searching trying to find out info on the OTA.

I dont read a lot of tech blogs, etc, but I was kind of shocked at my Google results. It literally appears that some of the "news" sources were quoting POSTERS on forums as their sources. Are you freaking kidding me?!?!

One "news" source said that Rezound owners could look forward to some ICS goodness this weekend, based on a POSTER on Endgadget stating that they knew a Verizon employee and were told that ICS would push yesterday.

Talk about grasping at straws. Is there any actual credible source from Verizon or HTC that affirmatively stated that ICS would be coming to the Rezound anytime soon? Or at least that it would definitively come to Rezound at some point this spring?
I heard the reason that ICS wasn't released is because jellybean is being pushed out in three weeks. I heard this from my second cousin's next door neighbor's best friend's step mom's cat that heard it from a bird that was sitting on a window ledge of the Verizon home office.

This was posted using my Rezound.
I heard the reason that ICS wasn't released is because jellybean is being pushed out in three weeks. I heard this from my second cousin's next door neighbor's best friend's step mom's cat that heard it from a bird that was sitting on a window ledge of the Verizon home office.

This was posted using my Rezound.

Gotta be true.
I heard the reason that ICS wasn't released is because jellybean is being pushed out in three weeks. I heard this from my second cousin's next door neighbor's best friend's step mom's cat that heard it from a bird that was sitting on a window ledge of the Verizon home office.

This was posted using my Rezound.

Can't. Stop. Laughing. Haha, this was great. Quote of the day! lol
I heard the reason that ICS wasn't released is because jellybean is being pushed out in three weeks. I heard this from my second cousin's next door neighbor's best friend's step mom's cat that heard it from a bird that was sitting on a window ledge of the Verizon home office.

This was posted using my Rezound.

Lol! Honestly these rumors and stuff are really getting old. I could care less when its out... Root +
Rom= no barriers.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums