[Updated] Sony joins the list of Android Tablet manufacturers


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

A report out of the Wall Street Journal today says Sony will launch two new Android based tablets sometime this year. The tablets will include two different sizes, the S1 being 9.4 inches and the S2 will have double 5.5 inch screens. Both devices are expected to release with Google's newest version of Android aka Honeycomb and powered with nVidia's Tegra 2 processors. Sony said it hopes to become the number 2 tablet maker by the end of 2012. In order to reach that spot Sony would have to overtake Samsung and it's Galaxy lineup of tabs. While the concept sounds really good, Sony has had a tough time gaining market share with their Android based phones. Would a dual 5.5" screen tablet interest you?

[Update]: Here's a slick looking video below that shows off the new Sony Tablets. What do you guys think of this one? Decent competition for the ASUS Tablet?


Source: AndroidTablets.net via WSJ
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I actually like the dual screen one. Being able to fold it and have the screens protected and more portable is kinda nice. Sadly Sony isn't known for low priced items.
These tablets are probably the most gorgeous tablets I have ever seen, especially the first one.
Its a cool design but I think I'll pass and get the Asus tablet. The keyboard attachment really turns the transformer into a laptop replacement for me.
Those Tablets are sick, if Sony prices em right, they'll score a huge win.

But, being that it is Sony, the S1 will be $1600 with the S2 being "budget priced" at $800.... LOL!!!!