Updated Superuser Permissions/Forever Root

Jan 3, 2012
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okay so i rooted and put in the 3 lines of code for forever root, and installed TB. when i ran TB it asked me to optimize SU's permissions, so i clicked "okay."
it popped up a thing saying that the permissions were fixed from 4755 to 6755. do i need to go into that code that i put in for forever root and change them from "chmod 4755" to 6755?
Yes, I changed all three permissions to 6755. Otherwise the su permissions will get changed back (by the file) to 4755 at every boot. Then TB will prompt to change them for you again the next time you run it. If you never reboot and rarely run TB it may not be an annoyance to you. There is no downside to having the permissions set to 6755.