Updating of unwanted apps !


New Member
Apr 20, 2010
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I just bought new droid razr Friday 2/17/12 . Noticed it had alot of apps already on the phone some of which I will not use nor want on my phone taking up space. So I spoke with folks at verizon about getting rid of the unwanted ones and the answer I got was some can be unistalled and done away with for good .Great I did that. Some of them you have a option to put them on home page. Great I did that. Some of them you can HIDE so I started hiding unwanted apps that CANNOT be unistalled. So here is my question to all . HIDDEN apps that I do not want are coming up on my phone asking to be udated. Does anyone know what can be done. Remember these apps that I am speaking of will not unistall
Got to be another way than root. I do not know how and phone is brand new do not want to mess phone up. Thanks for the idea anyway.
Unfortunately the only thing you can do (that I know of) is just to accept the updates and then hide the apps again, or continue to hide them.
Also, I see you created 3 threads for the same issue. In the future please do not double, or in this case triple post for the same issue. The other ones are going to be deleted.
I did not know you could only post topic in one place on this forum !! I originally posted my topics on first discussion I came to. I got no response so I found one that had to do with APPS so thought I could get some help from there. Then further down the list I found DROID RAZR which is the phone I have so I ask there also. Did not know I was doing anything wrong. Just simply trying to get help.
No worries. Just letting you know.
What sucks is too, regaurdless on wether you hide those apps or not, they'll still run in your background which will take up RAM/CPU. Make your phone laggy. Verizon would just try having you hide them. They don't want you voiding your warrenty by rooting. But if you have an SBF file to go back to stock in case you get in a sticky situation, all would be good. It's almost like a, you can't lose sistuation. I know the phone's new but I'm positive they've found and easy way to root and un-root if you need. People in these forums can help you ALOT and you can find almost anything your looking for. Try the search engine on the site and type in your specific question and you'll most likely find what your looking for cuz the odds are, someones already asked the very same question your asking. Sorry I can't further assist you on this issue but I hope you find it.

Sent from my MB870/DROID X2 Runnin' CM7
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I'm not rooted and haven't updated any of the Verizon apps since purchasing the Bionic on release date. They just pop up everyday like clockwork with any other update that I do want. I just continue to ignore them, and at this point it really doesn't bother me at all that they want to update. As for battery status and RAM usage, they're all lying dormant not using anything within the system, and there they'll continue to lie.
Yes, how much battery and cpu do those "bloatware" apps *REALLY* consume is a question many people cannot correctly answer.
If one cannot *clearly* identify an uninstallable app as being a resource hog, I say leave it alone.
But that's just my $0.02

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