Upgrade Galaxy S4 To 4.4.2 VRUFNC2 and Keep Root


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Oct 6, 2011
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The Galaxy S4 now has Official Kit Kat, but if you grab the official ota update you will lose root. Thanks to developer "Surge1223" we now have a method for updating to Kit Kat 4.4.2 VRUFNC2 and keep our precious root! This method will work with MJ7 and MK2. It should be noted that this is irreversible. If your Galaxy S4 is still LOKI hacked you will lose LOKI for good. This means no more custom recovery. So keep that in mind. You will also need to be rooted already and have SafeStrap installed.

To install the rooted Kit Kat just grab the necessary files, boot into SS then delete all rom slots minus the stock rom slot. Wipe data on the stock rom slot. Install the stock rooted zip under the stock rom slot, use the safestrap reboot menu to boot into download mode, flash firmware package via Odin, then enjoy your stock rooted rom. Head to the link below for download links and full instructions.

via XDA
So this will basically wipe all data that you currently have on the phone? I need a version that will keep all my Junk. LOL
Is there a way to Root the kit kat update if you have taken the OTA yet? Is this method in this thread still the only way?

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