Upgraded to Nexus and trying to sell OG Droid. Buyer is asking for ESN number .


Apr 6, 2010
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I just upgaded to Nexus. I'm currently selling MY OG Droid and portential buyer is asking for an ESN number so h can check to see if it's clean. Is it OK to give it to him?
I just upgaded to Nexus. I'm currently selling MY OG Droid and portential buyer is asking for an ESN number so h can check to see if it's clean. Is it OK to give it to him?

Absolutely. There's no other way for him to determine whether the phone is stolen or not and of course if it's stolen or otherwise blacklisted it would not be able to be activated.

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I never did even though I don't think there is anything malicious they can do with it. I always just met at a VZW store. They check the ESN right there for free plus it's a public place.
I wouldn't do it. I sold 3 phones via ebay and only once was asked. I simply said..."sure.....pay for the item and I will send it to you....then you can get the ESN all you wish" But I was selling on Ebay and I offered a 7 day return on the device. Point being is you could offer the same return policy. Should they be unable to connect the dots you can point out that the return policy pretty much covers them. Should they have ANY issues with activation or anything else they can simply return for full refund.

If they don't like it, simply find another buyer....it really isn't that hard.
I was always concerned that by giving it to them they could just say they bought it....here's the ESN...and now it was stolen by some guy "Kwatch" on Droid Forums....that way YOU are in possession of THEIR now stolen phone....which in turn they could in turn get for free....thanks to you giving them all they need. You could always pass them your CC number along with security pin and exp date.....you know....to make sure it isn't stolen....same concept no?
There is nothing wrong with giving an ESN number. That's the only way to verify validity.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk
I was always concerned that by giving it to them they could just say they bought it....here's the ESN...and now it was stolen by some guy "Kwatch" on Droid Forums....that way YOU are in possession of THEIR now stolen phone....which in turn they could in turn get for free....thanks to you giving them all they need. You could always pass them your CC number along with security pin and exp date.....you know....to make sure it isn't stolen....same concept no?

Scary thought...
Verizon has a website (wish I still had the link) where you can verify the ESN is good... do that, take a screenshot, blur out a few numbers and send it to him/her explaining you're being extra careful b/c of horror stories like mentioned above.

If they're local (like Craigslist), meet up at a VZW store to verify - that's very common.
Verizon has a website (wish I still had the link) where you can verify the ESN is good... do that, take a screenshot, blur out a few numbers and send it to him/her explaining you're being extra careful b/c of horror stories like mentioned above.

If they're local (like Craigslist), meet up at a VZW store to verify - that's very common.
Also safe to do so. You'll be in the store where they can't pull any tricks either. Stay safe!
All you do is insure that it is a CLEAN ESN. If you give him the ESN then he can technically use it against you. The screen shot example above is a good method as is meeting at a VZW store. He has a right to make sure that the ESN is not stolen as well so just make sure he knows it is clean and he will have it as soon as it is purchased. Horror stories will occur if you are selling online which is why Ebay and everywhere else they just let you know it is clean and then have some sort of return policy for the customer.
Verizon has a website (wish I still had the link) where you can verify the ESN is good... do that, take a screenshot, blur out a few numbers and send it to him/her explaining you're being extra careful b/c of horror stories like mentioned above.

If they're local (like Craigslist), meet up at a VZW store to verify - that's very common.

Got your back!

This wants to be sent from my Samsung Galaxy Nexus