User input top priority like iPhone?


Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
Is there a mod or anything that makes android make the user input (screen touches) top priority like the iPhone? Like something you can turn on and off?

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pc747 had a good tip for smoothness. In the developer options you turn on the gpu rendering (think it was 2d something) and then change the background apps to 1. I tried it out myself and it was much smoother. Sorry remembering off the top of my head.
Yea I've done that. I'm not asking because I'm displeased with the smoothness of the phone. I just want to see it run as smooth as possible. I don't mind if when I touch the screen that my phone does nothing else.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I believe that part would have to be how the OS is coded, that's as smooth as the phone can run in terms of settings I believe. Someone would have to do some serious coding to change that I would think, I could definitely be wrong though
Try Franco's Kernel and set the I/O Scheduler to Deadline. It is not quite the same as an iPhone but it will basically prioritize your actions with responsiveness first.

There are two ways to get this:
1. Uninstall ALL apps that can adjust the speed or anything else in the kernel. (That means Set CPU, No Frills, etc...) and then install Franco Kernel 14.2 from Recovery making sure to delete Dalvik Cache. The default set up already has this enabled.

2. Install Franco Kernel and change your set CPU settings to this:
Min Clock: 720
Max: 1200 (or 1350 if over clocking is your thing...)
Governor: Conservative (just go with it, its name conservative but in reality is a more responsive but less battery intensive ondemand)
I/O Scheduler: Deadline

Do this and I promise it will be smoother.

(If you need any help doing the above feel free to send me a message and I will be happy to assist you :))