Using custom icons


Jan 25, 2010
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I know there is Desktop Visualizer app to change icons for the home screens, but was wondering if there is a location (I am rooted) that I can put the icons so that they are changed globally (on the home screens, and app drawer)?

Also how can I change the icons for the 4 icons and the button for the app drawer (middle icon) on the bottom above the soft keys?

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to actually chang the icons globally i am pretty sure you need to decompile the apps, insert the icon you want, and resign them...not a simple task.
best bet is Desktop visualizer or something like better cut or shorter cut.

you can also use another launcher (go launcher) and create a theme for that or just use one of the hundreds that are already available.
You can use this guide as a reference:

I know its about the softkeys, but its the same process for most icons. To change them globally, you'd have to do each app. The icon you'll be looking for is usually called "ic_launcher_(app name)".png. It will be located in the app folder, /system/app or /data/app<-- If you're using a rom that has gapps, you may need to check there for more apps. Once you're in the app, go to the /res folder & look in drawable folders. Each app places them in a different place, so you'll have to look for the. Some use the drawable_xhdpi folder. The 4 buttons in the dock will change when you change them in the app. The app drawer button will be in the Launcher app. Its usually called "ic_allapps.png" & "ic_allapps_pressed.png" & is most likely in the /res/drawable-xhdpi folder. You don't need to decompile the apps or rom to do this.