Using phone through aux jack?


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
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I have read on this forum that it is possible to use the aux jack to hear a phone call through your car speakers. I can't seem to get this to work on my droid. Do I have to have a specific app installed or do I need something physical (a car docking station?) to get this to work?

I plugged the cord in and tried it with the stereo on AUX and on FM with no luck either way. I also tried on and off speakerphone in both modes.

If its simple set up that I've overlooked or simply operator trouble ;) can someone please tell me what I need to do to use this feature?

Any input would be very much appreciated!
I use my aux all the time to listen to podcasts and music, and have used it for some calls, but I didn't have to change any settings or apps its just always worked
yea you shouldn't have to do anything extra. I connect to my aux all the time. Maybe your volume is all the way down? You should just be able to plug in and and be able to hear everything
Uh, turn up the volume? Yes there is an "in call volume" for the HS jack too,