Verizon stores and one year contracts


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
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I went to a local Verizon store asking to sign up for a one year contract like the available option they have online and they tried to tell me that they cannot get a commission on a new one year contract sign-up. Is this true? Is this just a way to make me sign up for a two year contract?
So what if it's true...They can still do it.

It's not your problem that work on commission.
I got a one year contract on my crappy omnia... I knew I was going to want to switch soon. I knew you could do a one year contract by paying more up front. But the rep insisted that you could only do a 2 year, I said ok I will go to another store, and they finally did it. Amazing. They talked to me like I was stupid for paying more for a one year contract, saying "Why would you want to do that?" "Pointless you're paying more money."