Verizon Text Message?


Dec 23, 2009
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Hey guys,

Whenever i send a message with 160+ character i always end up getting a message from some long verizon number saying..

"FREE_VZW_MSG: Messages sent to non-VZW customers with graphics/tones/formatting and/or 160+ characters are sent as plain text with only the first 160 characters"

How do i get rid of this notification? I have tried calling verizon but the guy was unable to figure out how and i didn't have much time to talk. So i thought i'd ask here before calling them again.

Download Hancent from the Market. You can set it to split the 160+ text messages.....
Using an app (like Handcent) is the only way. The 160 character limit is a VZW network issue.
So if my messages are 160+ they will only get the first 160 characters? I figured it would just send it as two messages.
So if my messages are 160+ they will only get the first 160 characters? I figured it would just send it as two messages.
Handcent SMS will automatically split each the first 160 characters (and so on) and send them in multiples messages... up to 3 then it converts to MMS. So your intended recipient will get all of your text, not just the first 160.

It's basically a work around of Verizon's limitation. And it works excellent :)
Yeah, this was a pain on Blackberry, you would have to send the first 160 characters and continue typing, OR save as a draft, type up the whole message, then send both.
Haha i guess i'll have to go back to using Handcent. Thumbs down for Verizon on this! Thanks guys!
Yeh thats a limit from vzw. u can text over 160 to vzw users an as previously said use handcent. its like that for every single vzw phone when u text over 160 to non vzw people
Okay so i just downloaded Handcent and it works. But i still get that dam notification.. Anyway to get rid of that?
I don't receive the notification from VZW about the 160+. It shouldn't come at all because you're not 'sending' any SMS over 160.
Try a reset maybe ?
make sure you go into the settings of handcent and check mark the option to split the 160+ text. In options it is called split 160. If it is not check marked then you will not be splitting up your 160+ text like you want.
Download Hancent from the Market. You can set it to split the 160+ text messages.....
that kinda works, it splits it into 3 separate messages, but not into properly recombinable ones. there's nothing that will do it correctly?
Okay thanks I did have to change it in the settings. Now how to i make Handcent my default messaging app? I tried going in to "Manage Apps" but couldn't there...