vibration and haptic feedback.


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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I downloaded a radio app on my phone and durring the entire song it sont stop vibrating. I have haptic feedback off and all other vibrations off. Some apps are overriding this and just wondering if i can disable all vibrations. The same as "turn off all sounds" in accessibility.
What radio app is it? Sounds like a problem with that not the phone.

Communicated from Atop The Beer Tent Capital of The World
Its animeradio. Theres no settings in it for vibration. Ill just see if its in the next update. There should be a setting to turn off all vibrations in the s3.
I just tried the app and have no issues.. Maybe try deleting it and re installing...

Communicated from Atop The Beer Tent Capital of The World
Just tried. Still vibrates.. i went ahead and tried it on another s3 it didnt vibrate. Haptic feedback off on both. Only dkfference is my s3 is white other is blue. Also tried restarting my phone after uninstalling app but it didnt help
It looks like its treating it as a notification. When i play with vibration intensity while a songs going its more intense when notifications is all the way up. Changing the haptic intensity didnt change it
It looks like its treating it as a notification. When i play with vibration intensity while a songs going its more intense when notifications is all the way up. Changing the haptic intensity didnt change it
The only thing the haptic feedback is for is the soft keys on either side of the home button... I have my phone set to vibrate for all calls and notifications all the time and it didn't do it... Is your phone rooted or do you have any sort of taskers running? I know liteflow has also been known to cause similar issues... Sounds like it is a definite issue with your phone only...
I downloaded auto haptic widget by immersioncorporation. It fixed the problem :) reviews on the app showed other people with the problem i had. Thanks