Video sound lost when exported to pc


Active Member
May 1, 2010
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The title says it all. When exporting to my pc videos which I've taken on the DI (and which play fine on the DI) the video plays fine but there is no sound. Any clue as to what I may be doing wrong?
Well, after much struggling, I figured it out. The videos will not play with Windows media player, but as MP4's (as opposed to h.263) they WILL play properly with Quicktime...
This is an old question, but I am a new Droid Razr user, and having the same problem. I took some great movies when on vacation; They play great on my phone. But when I copied htem to my PC, I get a picture only; no sound. On WMP, Quicktime, Realplayer,... I downloaded new CODECS for WMP, still no sound??? HELP???