Volume Button Intermittent


Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
The dedicated hard button on the side of the droid for controlling ring and in-call voice volume is intermittent.

The vol up end of the button works perfectly every time. The vol down button does not. This is the 3rd droid I've had for a variety of reasons. Am I going to have to return this one for a 4th or, is there some known problem with this.

It's only anecdotal but sometimes, I'll reset the phone and the buttons behavior seems to improve - temporarily. It may just be a hardware issue (pocket lint) or whatever, as well.

I'm starting to think that maybe we early adopters may have been wise to wait for second or third gen devices.
Same Problem

I have the same problem. I realized it was an application that was causing it, namely dolphin browser. At first I thought it was hardware-related because it wouldn't always fix after a reboot/battery removal. But, then I installed the app "Ring Guard" which monitors the rocker button for changes to allow the user to confirm whether they intended the volume change. Although I'm not interested in this functionality, the fact that the software "resets" the rocker buttons (by adding an interrupt to their procedure call, I'd imagine) makes my rocker work perfectly after I enable it for a second.

My problem is with the Up button (down always works perfectly) but I suggest you try this and see if your button works after you enable/disable RingGuard. If so, it's most likely a rouge app causing the problem.