VZ X Car Dock/Car Mode Question


Nov 5, 2009
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Hey all I bought a VZ X car dock. When my X was in car mode mounted on the dock. I made a phone call. During the call it went from bt to speaker phone. Has anyone experienced that while in car dock mode with the Z X car dock? Or has anyone experienced using a universal car dock while in car dock mode?
Hi, I think what you are running into is 'user error'. You may be initiating the call from you DX vs the Blue Tooth device. I was doing the same thing then it dawned on me that I was over riding good 'ol Mr Jabra (on mine). In a vehicle equipped with blue tooth be sure to initiate via the steering wheel. At this time your Droid won't execute voice commands due to a limitation in 2.1. We're hopping that when 2.2 emerges it will fix the issue. A side note....with 2.1 there is also a limitation that won't allow data (on a data phone) to be received while in a call...odd yes?

Hope this helps.dancedroid
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