Wallpaper returns to default


New Member
Nov 19, 2010
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No matter what I do, my phone always reverts to the generic red backed wallpaper. I change it to something in my gallery, or one of the 3d live wallpapers, and it reverts back after it is asleep for 5 mins or so. What am I missing? Why does it change my wallpaper back?
No matter what I do, my phone always reverts to the generic red backed wallpaper. I change it to something in my gallery, or one of the 3d live wallpapers, and it reverts back after it is asleep for 5 mins or so. What am I missing? Why does it change my wallpaper back?

Mine does it too after a battery swap. No problems with reboot or after being asleep

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I just started having the same problem yesterday evening. The wallpaper I set from my gallery stayed up for a week, and then reverted to the stock wallpaper last night. I reset it, and it did the same thing twice today. Not sure what's going on.
Shut mine off for the first time today and same thing happened. Not hard to reset wallpaper but would be nice if it didn't happen

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Check your storage settings in the camera. Open the camera app, slide out the options tab, touch the gear wheel, make sure your storage settings are set to Sd Card. Also check Settings > Storage > Storage location > set to Sd Card. If all your pictures are under the DCIM folder in internal memory, copy the folder contents to your microsd card using the mass storage option to connect to a pc. You won't lose your wallpaper if it is on the microsd card. Even after changing the settings thumbnails will be made under DCIM on both internal and sdcard storage, but the pictures will be on the microsd card.
I changed my Storage setting to SD card. What baffles me is I tried to set it to the canned Live 3D wallpaper and it still reverts. I will try what you said above though.
this didnt work. It reverted to the default.
Strangely enough, as suddenly as this issue started, it stopped happening later on Saturday. I still have no idea what caused it though, and if it will happen again.
I've had my Bionic for over a month now and it just started doing this the other day. Happened twice now in the past two days. irritating.
I've had my Bionic for over a month now and it just started doing this the other day. Happened twice now in the past two days. irritating.

Yep same with my bionic. I've had it about a month now and yesterday when I pulled it off the dock the stock wall paper was back on and again this morning same thing.
Happened with mine (live wallpaper I got from the market) as well until I figured it out. What you need to do is manage your applications and go to that wallpaper under the applications and move it to your phone. If mine was in the data area rather than the phone it would disappear when the phone powered off, but when it's one the phone it stays. When I'm finished with the wallpaper I'll go back and move it to the media area and only keep the one I want to use in the phone. I bet this will resolve the issue - it did for me and it was driving me crazy!
Happened with mine (live wallpaper I got from the market) as well until I figured it out. What you need to do is manage your applications and go to that wallpaper under the applications and move it to your phone. If mine was in the data area rather than the phone it would disappear when the phone powered off, but when it's one the phone it stays. When I'm finished with the wallpaper I'll go back and move it to the media area and only keep the one I want to use in the phone. I bet this will resolve the issue - it did for me and it was driving me crazy!

This has been happening to me since I got my Droid X2. I had installed the Magic Smoke wallpapers, but it always reverts to a stock wallpaper after a few min of screen off. I'm looking at the application, but don't think I have ability to move to my phone (the 'Move to Media area' button is greyed out)

How exactly should I move it to my phone?

No matter what I do, my phone always reverts to the generic red backed wallpaper. I change it to something in my gallery, or one of the 3d live wallpapers, and it reverts back after it is asleep for 5 mins or so. What am I missing? Why does it change my wallpaper back?

Had this problem for the entire time I had my Droid X2. Just found a clue in another thread - look through the Task Manager on the phone to make sure the Live Wallpapers & other wallpapers aren't being killed after a certain amount of time. I removed all my wallpaper apps from the auto-end list and now my Magic Smoke remains on my screen even after screen timeout after a few min.
Is there anyone who's gotten this glitch figured out? It's really starting to irritate me. It started about two months ago, then went away. Recently it started again, then stopped for a few days and now its back and I can't get it to show anything but the default wallpaper.