Want to trade xbox 360 for droid


New Member
Mar 12, 2010
Reaction score
I have an modded xbox 360 unbanned from xbox live. its an 120gb elite with over 35 games such as ff13, and BFBD2

NEVER had a single problem out of this box no RRod nothing.

Want to trade a new or slightly used Droid plus some cash for this
PM me and let me know if your interested thanks!
Ah, waaa???
You can get a Droid for $100 or less now.... why would you do this?
If you caught me a week ago maybe... I just got the CoD MW edition 360 (with the 300G hdd).
with a two new year contract im not eligble for an upgrade for awhile and i want a droid so bad lol
So then what happens to my Verizon Account once my phone is gone, get another one at full retail price? haha. no thanks
No, but I'll give you my Blackberry Storm and 50 bucks for it.:icon_ devil:
I have an modded xbox 360 unbanned from xbox live. its an 120gb elite with over 35 games such as ff13, and BFBD2

NEVER had a single problem out of this box no RRod nothing.

Want to trade a new or slightly used Droid plus some cash for this
PM me and let me know if your interested thanks!
that's great deal, Motorola second hand is very cheap now.