We are giving away 2 ghost armor screen protectors


Regular Member
Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Yup you read it right its the time of year for giving and we want to continue giving to the community who have provided us with shared knowledge of how to get the most out of our devices. Now I know some of you may not feel the need for a screen protector but those of you who work outside or around oil, grime, and chemicals a screen protector with an otterbox is a must.

"Ok so what must I do to be eligible win one of those screen protectors".

Its quite simple my friends.

1) Have google current app and subscribe to droid forums (see the sticky in the section to see how)

2) On new years eve look through the articles in Galaxy Nexus insider

3) Find the special code (which will be spelled out that "this is the code for the ghost armor")

4) At midnight (I can not tell whether you are on est, cst, or on west coat so technically you have a 3 hour window to pm me) on New Years eve pm me the code


Winners will be announced on New Years Day (later that day when people have had the time to sleep off the new years eve celebration).
The actual prize will be gift cards for the cost of ghost armor screen protectors. It was made aware to me some dont like the look of ghost armor screen protectors and prefer another brand.
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