Weird resizing question.

markus 673

New Member
Nov 12, 2010
Reaction score
Hi. I just bought a DX and my girlfriend got the incredible. When she uses dolphin HD her screen adjusts to zooming. For instance Baden she zooms in on a paragraph the entire paragraph resizes to fit the screen so she won't have to scroll left and right.

I've checked dolphin settings and did I miss something or is it just the incredible? And is there anyway that I could get it on the X?


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Try going to settings > advanced settings > auto fit pages.

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It's already checked. It auto fits the main view. But Gen you zoom in it just zooms in. In hers it auto fits I guess. Does that make sense?

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Ya that makes sense. You could try switching your user agent to I phone and see if that resizes.

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I didn't notice any difference between any of them.

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Hmmm I know mine originally didn't squeeze everything in but now it does, only problem is I don't remember what I did.

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As in yours now "auto resizes?"

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I think it was active all along. Hers does it automatically. I stumbled upon it by double tapping. Thanks for all your help.

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Yeah. All I have to do is double tap the screen after I zoom in.

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