

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2011
Reaction score
Speak up if you installed nougat in your Verizon s7. Likes, dislikes, etc.

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Please? Curious minds would like to know. I'm coming up on two years with the OG Turbo and the current discount prices on the S7's are enticing.
From what I have seen on other boards a lot of people don't like it very hard to reconfigure it the way you had it before
What are they trying to reconfigure?
Just downloaded mine, gotta backup stuff then go.

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Here is one person's complaint.

I updated my S7 edge yesterday, and it changed my phone so badly that I hate it now. The new Icons are too small, and babyish, the notifications is so bad, the contacts and everything has been changed to the worst,.
I updated mine Monday night. Was seeing some weirdness yesterday with icons switching sizes randomly and lag, so I did the dreaded FDR. Set everything up again last night. Today, I've had a lot of, I guess you could say, unresponsiveness. I tried accessing an email and basically the phone was non responsive for about 20 minutes, until I was able to restart it. It's growing on me like any update. Over the next couple of days, it should settle down and if it remains responsive, I'll be fine with it.
OK update is done and I love it...
Damn it's almost like my Note 7 is back....

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I went from a Note 7 to S7 Edge on T-Mobile. I used the transfer features to get my setup from the N7 onto the S7 and at that point (pre-Nougat), everything looked just like my Note 7, just without the cool stylus related tools.

Fast forward to installing Nougat recently and... no perceptible changes. My icons stayed where they were, didn't change sizes. Everything on the screens was similar. A couple of the apps have different UI's, like the phone dialer, but that's not a big deal.

My brain is trying to remind me that I had to turn icon frames off again. That's the only change I recall post-install to make it look and work like it did pre-install.
I did and I really prefer it over Marshmallow!

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Well I was able to get either everything back to the way it was or at least very close so no big deal.

But I will say that it does drain the battery faster than marshmallow