I was at work and this weird number called my phone. I googled searched it and it was verizon. I called the number back and spoke with a rep that informed me that i have an upgrade. We were talking and she was asking me questions about my account and how i liked the service and i let it slip that i was thinking about switching to ATT because they're getting the Galaxy II. She's like well verizon has some amazing phones coming out and i inquired about the Bionic. She said that it would be out the 8th so i inquired if i could order it today. She first said no but put me on hold for about a minute and came back and said she spoke with her sup and said that i could go ahead and preorder it today but that i wouldn't have it till the 8th or later which i said no problem. Needless to say after i completed the order i hung up the phone and did alittle dance in the back of the store. YES YES YES.. I so needed this upgrade from my DX. Its such a pos anymore.