What is going on with Facebook?


New Member
Nov 17, 2009
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I did a search and couldn't get much info other than "FB sucks on Android." Can anyone explain at least some of the following:

  • Profile pictures don't update on friend's profiles
  • Profile pictures don't sync to contacts
  • Tagged photos can't be viewed
  • Random server errors
  • No notifications
I mean I've seen broken apps before, but this app is a joke - and to think it shipped with the Droid! Really a huge letdown.

What the hell is going on? Should I wait for the app to get fixed or start just manually putting in friends pictures myself?
Yeah. Its IMPOSSIBLE to sync contacts. Quite pissed off so I deleted the app in general.
only issue i've ever had with it is that it tried to link my dads contact info in the phone to my little brothers facebook page instead of linking to my dads FB page.....not sure why...first names are completely different..... if i go into edit contact then both their FB profiles pop up with my dads phone info...but under my brothers name...
I just visit the actual web-page, screw the app.
Must admit, Facebook played me. I just checked it, and it told me I had "No Friends"
Well when I first got my phone when the Droid launched it was passable. It didn't do much but it at least synced my contact pictures. Now with the new FB it doesn't seem to be doing that even.

I'm all for scrapping this piece of crap - but what choices do we have in terms of picture syncing that automatically updates pictures and contact information from fb?
I only joined Facebook because it was on my bb, now my android has saved me from having to check it. Thank you android.

Those sites are stupid anyway.
I wish it would automatically sync my events. There is an app for that which I purchased but I thought it would be included in the facebook app itself.
I just go the web page too. It alright to do that but as far as receiving notifications it sucks. The fb app alerts you like 20 minutes after it happened and the combination of that and text alerts it gets really annoying.

Why hasn't there been an update making it better? I would think that its a big enough app to do some work too.
Bloo is not too bad of an app, but most of the time I just go straight to the site and don't even mess with an app.
So far the impression I get is FB is not very interested in developing for Android. Bloo is a good alternative from what I hear - but I'm lacking the interface support. I don't care about a FB app - I can just go to the website. However, I really would like contact pictures synced - that's one of my favorite things about android.
Can't anyone develop an app for access to facebook though? Why the exclusiveness?

Should be quite simple to just match the status of the current app, which practically does nothing right?
Facebook is extremely elitist. Bloo does a LOT, including notifications, and you can merge friends with cotacts. I've still got some friends who's names are exactly the same in my phone as on Facebook with no synced data though.

According to the dev of bloo, Facebook only allows "trusted partners" access to certain things needed to make an acceptable app...

The problem is 100% Facebook. THEY could create a fully functional app, but they're so hell-bent on overthrowing Google, it'll probably never come. Good luck becoming a "trusted partner" too from what I hear.

Someone just needs to make a solid buzz app like LevelUp's Touiteur for Twitter, and I'll be done with Facebook completely as soon as I get the few people I actually care to keep in tough with in that way to make the switch. I'm getting closer...
they need to fix their site, too. when i want to go to the full site, i don't want it reverting back to the "touch" version. it's about impossible to add a friend via mobile.
So far the impression I get is FB is not very interested in developing for Android. Bloo is a good alternative from what I hear - but I'm lacking the interface support. I don't care about a FB app - I can just go to the website. However, I really would like contact pictures synced - that's one of my favorite things about android.

That's strange, my contacts sync to their Facebook pictures. I * THINK* you have to have their names identical in the address book to how it shows on their facebook page though.

You could always manually join the contact from the facebook app to the existing entry in your address book! :)