What is really the purpose of Fast Boot?


Aug 16, 2011
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Does anybody know the advantage and disadvantage of turning off or in Fast Boot? Does it affect the phone if its off?

Bad ass REZOUND!
Fastboot is exactly what it sounds like. A Faster way to boot. Advantages: Speed. Disadvantages: its said that some applications don't run right with it on.
Look at it like this. If there were NO disadvantages to "Fast Boot", the phone would normally boot up in this mode. Why would they make it boot slower for no reason? Not being sarcastic. Just applying some basic reasoning.

I reboot at least every other day, sometimes daily. Not a big deal. I do it when I don't need to use the phone. I figure it keeps things running smoothly. It also clears the cache.

Try it and if some of your apps start force closing turn it back off.
Blue TapaTalk acts up with fastboot on do I leave it off

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Look at it like this. If there were NO disadvantages to "Fast Boot", the phone would normally boot up in this mode. Why would they make it boot slower for no reason? Not being sarcastic. Just applying some basic reasoning.

I reboot at least every other day, sometimes daily. Not a big deal. I do it when I don't need to use the phone. I figure it keeps things running smoothly. It also clears the cache.


I also reboot every day or so just in case there is a rouge app or anything running

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