What is the best Facebook App?


New Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Anyone? I'm running the Bloo now, I like it, but the pictures do not load in the "feed". I do not like the app that is factory installed because it does not show "live" feed, only new feed. I like to use the reg. facebook page through the browser, BUT, if I log in a few times, and then go back to log in, it will not allow me to push the log in button!??!?!?! If I back out, use task killer, go back it will then allow me to log in. I would like to remove the task killer, but that is the only way it will allow me to log in to fb. Any suggestions?? Thanks Guys.
A really good facebook app (comparable to the ones found on blackberry storm) do not yet exist. Hopefully one does soon.

For now, people just use the browser + stock app, or bloo.

As soon as a good one comes out. (updates fast/right, lets you check the inbox/send, etc. ) let us know.
Actually I just downloaded Dolphin, and it seems to work will with the original fb.
Not quite an app, but touch.facebook.com works decent as well.
I use Bloo and you're right the pictures don't load on the feed at first. But as soon as I scroll even a little, they do load.
With the 2.0.1 update, the stock facebook app got a little makeover. The widget stays up to date now and I haven't run into any other problems.
I just checked the stock app again.. Still cant see comments under posts, still no way to instant message from there, no "poke" button, still no "livefeed"..

bleh. Sorry, but it blows.

I don't know how the iphones FB app was, but the BB storm one blows this one away. I guess you wouldnt miss it if you havent used it.

I use the mobile facebook via the browser for now, but I still have my "ear to the ground" for a good FB app.

I hope someones working on a good one, Ill sure pay my $3 bucks if it is in the same ballpark as the BB app. I think allot of other FB users would too.
Ever since the Facebook developer who created the iPhone Facebook app announced he was no longer going to deal with the Apple App Store and work on "other projects" there has been speculation that maybe he might work on an Android app.

Again, all speculation. To my knowledge he never elaborated on what projects he was moving to.