Whats with the Photo's? Are they supposed to be this bad?

GT Motion

New Member
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
I upgraded from a Voyager to a Droid and I was able to take pictures from the voyager that looked great, not grainy, clear, and good quality.

The Droid photos are always grainy or too dark, the camera focuses on weird random objects, the light changes with every centimeter you move the camera and drastically changes the image quality.

Whats the deal with the photos?
I've found that outdoors in natural sunlight (even on cloudy days) the Droid takes great pictures.

Indoors is a different story. Seems like the software tries to "brighten up" the pictures in low-light, and often goes too far, making them look grainy and "overexposed." My personal preference would be for it just to take the picture with no "brightening up," even if that results in a slightly too-dark picture. At least it wouldn't be grainy.

My Canon PowerShot S45 (8 or 9 years old by now) still takes FAR better indoor pictures than my Droid does. Outdoors, the Droid is slightly better (because it's got 5MP's, and the old Canon is only 4.1MPs.) So I'm not gonna toss out the old Canon just yet, because the Droid simply can't do indoor pictures properly...
Camera works just fine. I took a picture of my cat on my lap last night in dim light and put it on twitter. It came out fine.