Before, WhosCall helps you reverse lookup unknown numbers through 170 countries around the world! More and more users tell us “ It would be great, if we can report numbers to help other users” ! After countless reversions and testing, WhosCall 3.2 is finally released with “Number Sharing” feature! What’s more, the interface is brand-new too! Let’s build the strongest phone fraud block community together!
【Number Share Feature】

1 Edit and add your number tag & note.
2 & 3 Click the “Lock” icon to switch the note status (private/public)
4 “This is a malicious phone call” helps community build a complete blacklist.
5 “Share to facebook as well” lets your friends who can not install WhosCall in their smartphone see your number tags easily. And they can be awareof the coming malicious phone calls.
【Brand New UI】
After you upgrade or install, you can see the brand new logo and intro pages.

The number list is totally different too.
Interface Introduction
1 Numbers display area. If it’s the number from contacts, it shows the contact name.
2 Number Tags display area. The tag you added shows here.
3 Number searching result status: green means there is information of the number; gray means there isn’t any information of the number.
4 Number of searching results.
【WhoScore Help makes Credits】

WhoScore is designed to encourage sharing information between members. The shared information could be business numbers identification or
harassing calls. Every information you share make credits. On the contrary, points will be deducted if users exploit this platform for slander or mudslinging.
Last but not least, WhoScore can exchange for some special features such as “NO AD Version”.
Go and get WhosCall 3.2. Let’s build the biggest anti-spam community around the world.
Because of your suggestions and comments, we’re improving all the time! Every comment is welcome !
Upgrade and try