Why are there no "How to" books on Nexus? iphone has them!


Dec 15, 2011
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No manual in the box. They say go to the internet. The "manual" I saw online is a joke. With a phone with so many features and apps there should be a book somewhere. There are great books for getting the most out of your iphone, why not the nexus? :mad:
Because people who buy Android phones tend to be intelligent about technology and people who buy IPhone's generally are not. To think there is a book on how to use an IPhone is a joke to me.

But you are correct seeing that Android is gaining momentum. I've considered offering classes to people for Android phones but I just think it would be too annoying.

My father just bought a GNex on my recommendation and is very frustrated with it. He's coming over Sunday so I can fix it up for him. How do you explain Google Voice to a 69 year old?
Because people who buy Android phones tend to be intelligent about technology and people who buy IPhone's generally are not. To think there is a book on how to use an IPhone is a joke to me.

But you are correct seeing that Android is gaining momentum. I've considered offering classes to people for Android phones but I just think it would be too annoying.

My father just bought a GNex on my recommendation and is very frustrated with it. He's coming over Sunday so I can fix it up for him. How do you explain Google Voice to a 69 year old?

Thts completely wrong. I originally bought a Droid because there wasn't an iPhone on Verizon. After having my Droid I know I could never be happy with an iPhone so thank God it wasn't out yet

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Nevermind, I see one is on preorder in Amazon. I had checked there and nothing came up but when I did an internet search I found it on pre-order. My family considers me tech oriented and although I'm having fun with it, I'm sure there are lots more to know to make it even more fun.


ll kinds of people buy iphones and smartphones these days, even non-techies... which is most of the people I know.
Iphone "How to" book:

Step 1. Hold icon.

Step 2. Watch wiggle.

Step 3. Hit home button.

Step 4. Press play.

The end.
Because people who buy Android phones tend to be intelligent about technology and people who buy IPhone's generally are not. To think there is a book on how to use an IPhone is a joke to me.

But you are correct seeing that Android is gaining momentum. I've considered offering classes to people for Android phones but I just think it would be too annoying.

My father just bought a GNex on my recommendation and is very frustrated with it. He's coming over Sunday so I can fix it up for him. How do you explain Google Voice to a 69 year old?

Do ppl with android phones really believe they're more intelligent then those with iphones? Lol....that sounds like a complex
No one is saying Android users are more intelligent. Apple products are dumb downed for the masses, and that's why they're popular. One button to push, they way they restrict you from doing many things, lack of options, etc. Truthfully people are too stupid to leave well enough alone, so when the ability to tinker is taken away from them, they think it's a better product (i.e. easier to use).

I guess if you look at that way, Android users probably are more intelligent. Not EVERY user, just as not EVERY iPhone user is dumb, but probably in general.
Do ppl with android phones really believe they're more intelligent then those with iphones? Lol....that sounds like a complex
I think it takes more technological savvy to use an android phone to its full potential (rooting/romming) compared to an iPhone but I don't think that means I am better equipped to use technology because of my phone. Many very techy people use iPhones because they don't want to deal with unlocking the bootloader or creating nandroid backups. They could, but choose not to.

So I guess I think in general, the people that use an iPhone are more likely to be unable to root or rom because they chose a device that has a much smaller development community but I don't think that by default android users are smarter.

I know that it wasn't directed at me, but to me, this is what he meant by it. Although it was phrased rather elitist.
Do ppl with android phones really believe they're more intelligent then those with iphones? Lol....that sounds like a complex
As far as technology goes (and generally speaking of course) ..absolutely. Most of the people I know that have a iphone are lost when it comes to technology. I consider myself a fairly tech savvy person and have zero interest in a iphone because of how locked down it is and the lack of choices involved.
As far as technology goes (and generally speaking of course) ..absolutely. Most of the people I know that have a iphone are lost when it comes to technology. I consider myself a fairly tech savvy person and have zero interest in a iphone because of how locked down it is and the lack of choices involved.

I dunno I think correlating your phone choice with intelligence shows opposite the intended effect. Suggesting one group of phone owners is less intelligent then another for no reason other then phone choice shows a lack of intelligence imo...
I don't understand why so many people compare every smartphone to the iphone as if it's the thing to beat.
The iphone is a good device for some people but it is not the device to beat in my opinion.
If you want every phone to be like the iphone, the way to get over that is to get an iphone.
Problem solved.
I don't understand why so many people compare every smartphone to the iphone as if it's the thing to beat.
The iphone is a good device for some people but it is not the device to beat in my opinion.
If you want every phone to be like the iphone, the way to get over that is to get an iphone.
Problem solved.

Excellent point. I think the nexus is better then the iphone by leaps and bounds (and it definitely is hardware wise), yet ppl still compare it to the iphone and try to convince themselves that they're smarter because they own one. It's unnecessary...if you have the better phone and you're smarter for it why is the iphone even being mentioned and insulted....that's why i said it sounds like a complex