Why are you here?


Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
I got my droid on release day, dropping windows mobile like a hot rock after years. I joined this forum immediately upon discovering it. I am an active user on many electronic cigarette forums after I stopped smoking and started vaping. Bear with me please. On these forums there is a sense of community as we all have struggled to quit smoking. One will always receive support and information. Coming from this and other forum experiences I guess I just expected a bit more from this site. Maybe a little more celebration of what a truly amazing new device we have in our hot little hands. Instead as I read through thread after thread ( not all mind you ) I see an excessive amount of complaining, nitpicking, sniveling and whining. In the last day or so I haven't even got through a page of new post for this logging out somewhat angered and disappointed. Perhaps I am naive in seeking a positive communal discourse but I definitely choose not to read all the slams and derisive commentary. If you don't like the product you could always go back to what you had, buy an iphone and the shackle that comes with it or maybe just sshhhhhhh. Again "Why are you here?"
To help and discuss this great device is why I'm here. If you think this place is bad you have not seen anything : )

This is one of the best Droid forums on the internet. Actually I will go so far and say it is the best. Most of the people here are VERY helpful and contribute positively to the forums.

It really is a great community and it's still young. Just remember there will always be bickering whining fighting etc etc no matter where you go. There is no way to escape that.

I've been here since about a week before launch and found a great home because everyone from the mods to the members contributed positively and were VERY friendly.

This will be my home for a while and I hope you make it yours.

Glad to hear you quit smoking : )

I don't preach or intrude on anybody's life but smoking is the worst thing one can do to their body and lungs. Nasty habit. So I congratulate you......
Why am I here ?

I wanted to find out information about a device I was VERY INTERESTED IN ! I joined before the Droid was released. I wanted to be able to communicate with others with the same desire. I needed to talk, or chat, or post to others who were of like mind as I am in respect to tech.

As far as the griping and *****ing you see on this forum or any other one. It is normal for people to do this. I can't tell you why, it just seems to be human nature. I look past all of that and look for the good. It is always there. You just need to look through the other stuff to find it.

I enjoyed this place enough to volunteer to help keep this place as family oriented as possible, without it becoming a place where certain people can talk, and others are squashed for their opinion. I like the free atmosphere we have here @ DroidForums. I believe we all have a right to speak our minds. As long as it is not with the intention of hurting others.

I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do. I believe this may be what you were looking for when you started this thread.
I am not looking down on the forum cereal just on what I perceived as an excessive amount of negativity in the threads I chose to read these past few days. I am happy to be here and I do see this as my home. Hopefully more will do the same. Thanks on the smoking thing.
I found this forum while deciding if I should get a Droid. It's been helpful in a lot of ways and I'm a geek so I hope to contribute things I learn and help others.

It's a great resource.
I was searching to get so much info before the droid was releasd and I just wasnt getting what I wanted until i found this site. Good info, good mods, and a large Droid community.

Love my phone and happy to have a spot where I can get good info.
I joined this site in hopes of learning more about this great device and helping others who may need assistance. I purchased the Droid on the 9th and havent put it down since. I for one am acustomed to complainers as I have seen it on the site that I am an Adminstrator at with the BlackBerry Storm. Many people have set expectations on how they perceive the device to function. If the said device falls short of their expectation then it must be flawed. As experienced users through many devices it is our job as supporters of these devices to help educate and enhance the end users experience so they may enjoy the device to its fullest. There will always be individuals whom are never satisfied with what they have and will never truly be happy as well as always find flaws in what they do have. That is just my .02 worth....
I am not looking down on the forum cereal just on what I perceived as an excessive amount of negativity in the threads I chose to read these past few days. .
I understood what you were expressing and you were not negative at all.

I didn't mean for it to come off that way if it did. I was only trying to express that those things will always exists so on and so forth...but no matter : ) you are hanging around and I'm glad to hear that.

@NvrEnough...that gif ALWAYS makes me laugh my arse off...Jim Carey in the background hahahahaha
Love the Droid, want to share what I've learned and learn what I haven't.
I got my droid on release day, dropping windows mobile like a hot rock after years. I joined this forum immediately upon discovering it. I am an active user on many electronic cigarette forums after I stopped smoking and started vaping. Bear with me please. On these forums there is a sense of community as we all have struggled to quit smoking. One will always receive support and information. Coming from this and other forum experiences I guess I just expected a bit more from this site. Maybe a little more celebration of what a truly amazing new device we have in our hot little hands. Instead as I read through thread after thread ( not all mind you ) I see an excessive amount of complaining, nitpicking, sniveling and whining. In the last day or so I haven't even got through a page of new post for this logging out somewhat angered and disappointed. Perhaps I am naive in seeking a positive communal discourse but I definitely choose not to read all the slams and derisive commentary. If you don't like the product you could always go back to what you had, buy an iphone and the shackle that comes with it or maybe just sshhhhhhh. Again "Why are you here?"

It's a lot different to whine and complain here than to say something bad about the Droid on an Engadget comment (for example). Here when we complain about the Droid, it's like complaining about an immediate family member. We complain about that person, but if someone outside the family were to say something bad about them, there would be a serious fight...

I think of this forum as an extended Droid family and a little whining is just part of being a family.

There have been samples here where some iphone fanboy tried to complain, and the site members collectively beat the crap out of them..
i know what you mean slighter i see what you see but i travel all over the country most of the year 2007 -2008 been with my family 2 months in 2 years and from my experince people just are angry and mean but haveing said that i love it here love my droid and i love talking and reading about it and this is the best place i found over look them stay with us we the good ones are here
Just ordered the :motdroidvert: DROID :motdroidvert: today. I dont think I was early enough for the shipping to arrive tommorrow. So I will get it tomorrow or Monday at the latest :icon_ banana:

I've been scoping out this forum, and I have to say it's the best looking one for the DROID I have come across yet.

I too am abandoning Windows Mobile having gone from ipaq - MDA(Tmobile) - Touch(Sprint) and the Omnia(Verizon). I know the WinMo system very well. With the Android OS, its back to square one. Even thinking of dual booting my laptop with Windows 7 & Linux. I love tweaking my devices and once the Droid gets rooted I be there learning the "Hows & Whys".

I am here to learn more and share what I have learned, a good forum makes having a new device more fun.