Why does my phone has a "ding" sound when i finish a call?


New Member
Mar 24, 2010
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can someone help me with the sound....each time someone hangs up or i press the "end call" button, there's a ding sound...like droid sound...i dont want this to be sounded...is there anyway to turn it off? specific instructions...i tried sounds and notifications..but doesn't seem to help.

please help...it annoys me when i press "end call" and a sound plays...people look at me weird
can someone help me with the sound....each time someone hangs up or i press the "end call" button, there's a ding sound...like droid sound...i dont want this to be sounded...is there anyway to turn it off? specific instructions...i tried sounds and notifications..but doesn't seem to help.

please help...it annoys me when i press "end call" and a sound plays...people look at me weird

:welcome: to the forum. Most phones don't do this except the ones you see on television. Check out anytime someone uses a cell phone on TV and you will hear a beep when they end call.

Apparently I've gotten use to this because I haven't thought about it for a while, so I actually just called myself so I could give you a proper response. Indeed there is a very soft beep when you end call. It's barely audible and I don't know any way of turning it off.

Like I said it does it on television all the time and I have to point out to people that it's an odd thing, nobody even notices it. If it annoys you that much then unfortunately there is not much you can do except if you're in your first 30 days. But I got to tell you it's so soft I can't imagine people looking at you. Unless yours is defective and extremely loud. But that ending beep is just part of the Droid.
I like the fact that it is there mainly due to the fact that if someone hangs up on you, or if the call dropped. (yes, I have had a few calls drop here in the San Francisco Bay Area.. Verizon isn't as amazing as everyone else says it is...but I still really like my DROID, but I digress) Instead of having no tone at all, and possibly making me think that the person that I am speaking with is still on the line, I can easily know right away. :D