Why is my 4G running slow?


New Member
Jul 15, 2011
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I upgraded to D4 for D3 two weeks ago. My 4G was performing like a champ when I first activated the device, but now its almost nonexistant. I'm in Dallas were 4G coverage is great but my D4 is doing more searching for coverage now than ever. Bad device? Any troubleshooting steps I can use to jump start my 4G. Thanks in advance..

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Have you dialed #228 and updated your PRL?

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.
#228 does nothing for 4g phones. Some people say dialing it does nothing while Verizon reps say it will ruin your SIM card.

Is your phone's software updated?
Then how does one update one's coverage?

Tappin' and talkin' with Tapatalk.
From another thread:

*228 is used to program a phones internal cdma values that tell the device what to broadcast and receive, what its ID is and phone number, and where its home location is so that it knows when it is roaming.
On a 4G device, this is information does not need to be programmed to the phone at all, the sim card is registered to the carrier and they determine who you are and what you access.
People used to be able to program their phones so that they could have free service, even receive other people's text messages.
Carrier managed sim access eliminates that, and makes it more secure overall.