Wi-fi tether + PS3


May 28, 2011
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So I ran barnicle and scanned for networks on my ps3. My phone showed up but it's WEP protected? Where is that key and how can I disable it?
Better yet, has anyone succeeded with linking the PS3 to the tether? If so, how?
Just use wifi tether.... It lags when playing online but it does work.
Ummmmm I'm rooted and was looking for a way around the mobile hotspot.... Am I missing something?
Ummmmm I'm rooted and was looking for a way around the mobile hotspot.... Am I missing something?

He's saying use the wifi tether app from the market if its still there if no u can side load it for the internet I had very little lag with my xbox.

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Hmmm I didn't see it there. I did a little googling on side loading but can't make heads or tails of it. whats all that about? TIA

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barnicles settings are in its options for wep...not very difficult to find.
Google wifi tether 2.0.7.apk you can also try sending it to your phone via android market vai computer and send it to your phone as well.

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Sweet! Got it thanks. Can't wait to get home and try it. But for now, "barkeep. Another beer please."

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Ok after my hangover had sufficiently passed I tried it with tether 2.0.7. it totally works! Updating the ps3 as I type this.

Can't believe I waited so long to root my dx (forehead slap) (dont slap your forehead when hungover)

Thanks so much!

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Question.... How does transferring a bunch of data..say, netflix, affect me.seeing as I'm not signed up for mobile hot spot.... Like going over 2 gig. What will happen?

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Question.... How does transferring a bunch of data..say, netflix, affect me.seeing as I'm not signed up for mobile hot spot.... Like going over 2 gig. What will happen?

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I wouldn't worry about it. 2GB is nothing, i use over that just playing on my phone in a month and not tethering.

I think if you keep it under 10-15gb you will be fine. Verizon is cracking down on free wireless tethering, but i haven't heard of anyone being charged for it. just keep watching the forums, as soon as someone does get charged it will be on the front page.
Question.... How does transferring a bunch of data..say, netflix, affect me.seeing as I'm not signed up for mobile hot spot.... Like going over 2 gig. What will happen?

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I wouldnt abuse it...IMO,its for emergency/occasional use only.If you need it a lot,I advise you to just pony up the money for the hotspot.Abuse of the tethering is what got root users in the spotlight with verizon,just be aware that they are monitoring the situation with tethering.....
I only mentioned 2gb cause I read that thats the amount youre given for the 20 bucks a month. Doesn't my unlimited data plan matter here?

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